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Polish Hearts in UK
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Love from the UK to Australia

I decided to write because I believe that everyone has the right to happiness or to the great love that I received thanks to your portal. I created an account without any specific plans regarding establishing any relationships, I just thought that maybe I will meet an interesting person with whom I could chat. Valentine's Day, February 14, 2011, is a date that I will remember for the rest of my life. On that day, I received a message from a woman from Australia that made my heart beat faster. I paid for Premium to be able to correspond, and practically from day to day, I saw how something beautiful was being created between us - Our Great Love. We did not care about the miles that separated us (17,000 km), believing that there is no distance for True Love! Exactly one year after the first message, so again on Valentine's Day 2012, being high above the clouds (10,000 meters), flying together over Australia, I asked my chosen one to become my wife - she agreed, making me the happiest man in the world! Thank you for this, my dear GOD!!! I love you very much, you are EVERYTHING to me and always will be!!! I wish everyone to receive such a gift from fate as I received thanks to your portal. Soon I will be deleting my profile. Thank you very much, YOK.